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Design faster

A product design stack tailored for startups. Automate trivial and repetitive tasks — focus on driving insights and value.

Automate the
tedious and repetitive

We spend a significant portion of our time doing busy work. We want to change that. We want to eliminate busy work and spend time with our cats. Or kids. Whatever you fancy. Both?


Determine how elements react to user actions or data. Use formulas to create dynamic and responsive behaviors. It’s like Excel but way cooler.


Component tinkering

When is the right time to start building components? That’s a trick question – it’s always a pain. However, it’s way less of a pain if you can retroactively create, clone or move components.

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Content feeds

Separate design and content. Manage content in a separate file linked directly to your layers. Update content and design separately without touching the other and see changes as soon as they happen.

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